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Bernard Leclerc Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Ambassador Bernard LeclercBernard Leclerc, is a current Ambassador. Mr. Bernard Leclerc is an Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador. His Excellency have his headquarters since 2021 in the Russian Federation and is based in Moscow.

Since 2017, H.E is involved in the devolpment of the Republic of VANUATU. He was appointed by the Council of Minister of VANUATU, SPECIAL ENVOY TO THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION and also SPECIAL ENVOY TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL on the ...

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Located in the South Pacific Ocean, The Republic of Vanuatu

Ambassador Bernard LeclercRepublic of Vanuatu, is a Pacific island country located in the South Pacific Ocean.

The archipelago of 80 islands, which is of volcanic origin, with a total area of 12,189 km2 and shaped as an Y tilted to the left. Some 900 km separate the Torres Islands, in the north, from Anatom, in the south, is 1,750 kilometres (1,090 mi) east of northern Australia, 540 kilometres (340 mi) northeast of New Caledonia, east of New Guinea, southeast of the Solomon Islands, and west of Fiji.

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The Economy of the Republic of Vanuatu, Based on Tourism, Green Wave, Finance Off-Shore

Ambassador Bernard LeclercTourism, despite the world-wide economic recession, represents a fast-growing sector, with a milestone of 100,000 visitors having been achieved in 2009. Most of them come from Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand.

The country is now well established as an attractive tourist destination and significant potential exists for rapid growth. Funds have been committed and the promotion and development of tourism continues to be actively encouraged.

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DERNIERE MINUTE: S.E M.l'Ambassadeur Bernard LECLERC vous souhaite une très bonne et heureuse année 2025

MISSION S.E MR L'Ambassadeur Bernard LECLERC en GRECE

MISSION S.E MR L'Ambassadeur Bernard LECLERC en GRECE

S.E appelé en Grèce pour une analyse de la situation économique et avant de reprendre son avion pour Munich ce jour, devient très septique avec un grand nombre d'interrogations sur la supposé situation désastreuse en Grèce! Bien sûr il y a des problèmes importants! Bien sûr il y a des gens qui souffrent! mais n'est ce pas ainsi partout en Europe et dans le Monde? Et si les grecs étaient entrain de nous carotter? Un grand nombre de grecs ne semblent pas touchés par la crise, loin de là! La situation n'est pas celle que l'on est entrain de nous décrire et que l'on essaye d'a...

09 Oct 2012

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